
On the Road

My drive from Tallahassee to Rock Hill takes about seven and a half hours. Many people hate driving that long alone, but I have to say I kind of enjoy it. It is a long stretch of time that I am completely to myself. Of course, it includes lots of me belting out various songs within the confines of my Jeep, but I really enjoy the time it gives me. (This will not be a Billy D kind of list, just more of a reflection piece. ^_^)

I have made these lengthy drives a number of times now, and I have realized that I most often find solace in them. The time alone in the car allows for quality time alone with your own thoughts, or time to just not think at all. Sometimes I enjoy the fact that I just get so wrapped up in the scenery (I use this term loosely as today's drive did involve I-10 and I-95) and my music that I do not worry about the things that I may worry about otherwise. I can completely separate myself from work and sometimes even my personal life long enough to just be. And that can be pretty cathartic.

Other times I find myself have the chance to work through some things on my own. Occasionally these drives occur at the opportune time just when I need the chance to be alone and sort through some things. I have even found times when the drive allowed some creative thinking leading to a few poems and other creative thoughts. (For those of you who may not know, I do write poetry on occasion.) Today's drive even gave me time to think of some future blog topics I may explore, things I think may be good for me to explore using this medium.

So it is late, and this has been a long day. I am not sure right now if any of this is even coherent. I guess my point is we should all find that time to be alone. Maybe the ideal place is not in the car for everyone, but it can be good to find something. I tend to use my afternoons at the pool for the same thing. I just enjoy being in that moment where I do not have to worry about anything unless I choose to do so. Although I do have to throw in here that it can be fun to make these trips with other people (like my trip with Meredith to Columbia and our fun finds).

Of course I also enjoy driving distances because that means it is time for some Arby's!

And yes, this post is just barely making it in the deadline of the day, but hey, it did.

Sidenote: I cannot believe I just watched the season finale of LOST last night. Not only does this mean a long time until next season and the potential of lots of answers, but it also means next season is the last. Wow.


  1. Can you believe I actually watched part of the finale?

  2. shock and awe! lol...I'm sure it made lots of sense to you too...

  3. who doesn't sing in the car? those are the best times to sing without having to be embarrassed about how bad we each suck.
