
Duct Tape Fixes Everything

I was recently on a plane that was delayed. No big surprise for anyone who travels often. However, we sat on the plane at the departing gate for about 30 minutes because we waiting on a maintenance person to bring some tape to fix a tray table. Seriously. We could not leave because they needed tape. The man seated next to me, along with two people across the isle from us, remarks how he is surprised no one has tape on the plane in the first place. He says, "Even the Apollo 13 had duct tape on board." This led to a man across the isle remarking, "Everyone should always have duct tape around."

While the story itself is kind of amusing, it made me think. We should all have duct tape around all the time. I think this is true literally and metaphorically. Obviously, duct tape wins for being able to fix virtually anything and for its ability to sturdily hold together most things. Yet recent events have made me realize how important keeping a tool around to fix life's little issue can be.

Think of all the little "fixes" duct tape can do, and all the times you have probably used it or maybe wished you had some around. Now think about all the little daily and even bigger life "brakes" that happen. If you are not prepared with some tape in your back pocket, they can get out of hand and almost seem unfixable.

Duct tape could be a number of things we use frequently: a sand timer to help you take a few deep breaths, a favorite song, a go-to quote, a friend that listens, any little fix that helps you hold the situation together. I think we all have them. We just need to be sure we identify them, know where they are, and how to use them. That way you don't have to wait 30 minutes for the maintenance person to show up.



Today's word: friends

Definition: (according to dictionary.com) people attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard

Reason: The first reason this word came to mind today is two very dear friends are in town to visit. The second is I just left a retirement party for someone from my office. Although I have very different relationships with these people, both situations started me thinking about friends and what they mean in life. I found it heartwarming to see a table of old friends at the retirement party. A group of women who have experience much of life together in some way. Tonight, I will get to catch up with my own friends, and although I have not known them for 30 years yet, we too have shared life experiences that define us. Our relationships with others truly make life worth living, and I hope I tell my friends often enough how much they mean to me. I know I am not always the best at keeping in touch (especially via phone...as almost anyone can attest to), but my friends mean so much to me. Even if I just need to see a smiling face or vent over coffee, I appreciate all of you.

I almost picked "lackluster" as today's word since I feel that describes my current blogging status. Life seems to be getting in the way this week, but I hope someone is getting something out of reading these nonetheless!



Today's word: change

Definition: to make something different than it was before, or a deviation

Reason: Well, really change happens all the time. So I do not know that I really need a reason. I suppose today this word is poignant because of the amount of change that always seems to happen at once. Graduation at FSU was just this past weekend. This means students are moving on to bigger and better things. My graduate assistant of two years, Selby, has already made his move to Texas to start his professional career. I have already hired and started training my new graduate assistant, Alyssa. Almost five weeks ago, I became a fiancee, a word I am still getting used to saying (but of course I am loving!). I have actually been job searching, trying to find the next step in my career. I have no idea what kind of change that will bring. Coworkers and friends have already found that next step in their lives, meaning they are already moving on and changing the landscape of FSU. Lots and lots of change! (Insert some sappy quote here about how change is the spice of life, or whatever...) Okay, I am excited about all the change. It just seems like when it rains, it pours!

On a lighter note, Meredith and Billy are coming to visit this weekend. WOO!



Today's word: stuck

Definition: unable to move

Reason: I am currently stuck at the Atlanta airport. This means to free wireless internet. I will not be making it home until after midnight. so this also means I am stuck doing a half-written post because I am using my phone. On the bright side, I have a smart phone that allows me to at least post something. Seriously. Why can we not have free wi-fi at all airpots? And for that matter, hotels? I think i made my point about that before.

So I hope to bring better posts tomorrow and the rest of the month. Thanks for sticking with me.



Today's word: cop-out

Definition: excuse, take the easy way out

Reason: Today is only the second day of Blog a Day. However, I do not have time tonight, and really won't have much time tomorrow to put much effort into posts. Hopefully, throughout the month, I will be able to come back and explain why. Until then, here is my cop-out post. I promise to get better. Really.


Blog A Day Challenge: Take 3!

It's May...and we all know what that means...Blog A Day in May Challenge time! For anyone who has followed me, you already know what this means. For anyone who hasn't, this is pretty much how this whole blog began.

The plus side of the challenge is it gets my lazy butt back blogging again. The down side this year is how crazy this month is going to be. However, no worries. I will prevail! (Okay...that may have been a little much, but you know what I mean.)

My first year, I went without a theme for the month. Last year, I went with a "Quote of the Day" theme...and dinosaurs. I think this year, I may go for a "Word of the Day," unless better inspiration hits me soon.

Nonetheless, I'm excited to do the challenge again, and I'm even more excited to get back into the habit. As I've said before, I need some blogging in my life. We also have some changes in the challengers this year. When I have a little more time, I will make the updates to the sidebar so you can all follow the others.

And with that, let the challenge begin!


Traversing the Skies

I am an introvert. Shocking to some, but not at all surprising to those who know me. And I realized today that this is one of the reasons I love flying alone. Now, of course I absolutely love taking trips with friends. (This is something I’m trying to work in more often.) I also love flying for the obvious reason of judging people in airports. Again, anyone who knows me would not be surprised by that fact either.

However, as I was sitting in the Tallahassee and Atlanta airports today making my way to Baltimore for a conference, I realized how relaxing it is for me to travel alone. Even though airports and flights are full of hundreds of people, I have absolutely no pressure to interact with any of them if I so choose. And for the most part, I don’t. I can sit, watch, read, listen to music, play around on the internet (if I can find free wi-fi…please explain to me why Atlanta still does not have this…), and really just retreat into my own world while I go from Point A to Point B.

Part of this realization may stem from having recently traveled to a different conference with a good number of friends and colleagues.  I easily get overwhelmed and subsequently aggravated when trying to coordinate a group of people traveling. Overall, and when reflecting on the trip, these experiences are more often than not positive and good ways to bond with others. Yet, admittedly, by the time we were heading back home, I did not want to see or talk to most of the people with me.

It’s not you, Its me. Truly. In all senses of the term, I am an introvert. I love people, in small doses. I love meeting new people, in small doses. At the end of the day, I want to unwind either alone, or with just those closest to me. (Currently, this typically involves my boyfriend and my cat. A good cuddle from one or the other or both tends to be helpful.) I am energized by alone time.  I recharge when I have time to breathe, reflect, or just get away. This is why I love movies and reading.

I am always amused when students do not believe I am an introvert. I often explain how extroverted qualities are learned, and are a necessity of my job. At work, I enjoy the constant interaction I have with students. If I didn’t, goodness knows I would not work in Student Affairs. But I relish the times like today where I can have a mini-getaway for myself. Even if I get nothing more out of it than a blog post, starting a new book, listening to favorite songs, or laughing at ridiculous people in public, I enjoy the little rewards.

(Sidenote: Traveling in itself is not always relaxing of course, but when I actually have time to sit before or in between flights, it can be enjoyable.)



July of last year was my last post. And I see that as a problem. I am currently thinking of ways to return to the blogging world. Especially since my twitter looks like it may become another Higher Ed venue...which is fine, but takes away a personal outlet. So this is my attempt to hold myself to reviving my blog-self. While I am thinking of creating a higher ed themed blog...I need to bring the personal reflection back. Anyone want to help hold be to it?

PS...I also realized my last post was about my Jeep being vandalized. Since then, it was actually totaled, and now I have a Chevy Aveo. Crazy how much can happen in a few months...