
QOTD #16

"The most important part of your life was the time you spent with these people." -Christian Shepard, LOST

Last night, for anyone who somehow did not know, was the series finale of LOST. And anyone who knows me of course also knows that I have devoted a few years to the show (not all six as I did not get into it until season three). I will not go into too much of how this show has been a milestone for television as you can search the numerous articles that say so. However, I will say that I have thoroughly enjoyed it, and even more, I have enjoyed what it has meant in my relationships with others.

This is why I took this quote from last night's episode. Not only was it really the epitome of what the storyline meant to the characters, but I think it well summarized what they show has meant to its many fans. LOST, and many shows like it, had a way of bringing people together. Honestly, this is how I started watching it in the first place. In my attempt to be social the second semester of grad school, I started to hang out with a few people who were already addicted to the show. (Actually, it tended to air right before pint night at Delaney's. So this became part of the ritual.)

I honestly was not immediately hooked because I had no idea what was going on since I somewhat jumped in the middle of it. However, the show grew on me, and as I went back to catch up on what I had missed, I was hooked. I then became a "Lostie" with the rest of them, and it became something we all did together.

As we graduated and moved our own ways, we could not give up the camaraderie that the show provided us. So we started a weekly email discussion after each episode. This quickly became what many of us looked forward to in the weeks of the season. We share thoughts, reactions, theories, research...all the things that crazy fans do I suppose. I especially held on to these interactions as I had moved to a town where I did not really know anyone yet, much less anyone who watched LOST. So for a while I sat at home yelling at the television by myself. (Do not act like you have never done it.) Eventually, I found out that Mike and some others watched it, and we quickly bonded over the shared experience.

And this is all the point of today's quote. As one my fellow bloggers pointed out, television can become a big part of who we are and of our relationships with others. LOST has been a shining example. It gave us something to connect over in a way that not only created dialogue, but often intelligent dialogue (heaven forbid). Okay, it was not always intelligent...Katie B and I enjoyed talking about shirtless Sawyer probably more than anything else, but I stand beside my point.

We treasure the time we have spent with others. These relationships make us who we are and who we will become. So thank you, LOST, for bringing me closer to some really amazing people while connecting us all with dynamic characters and a story that will surely be earmarked in the history books.

And as an homage to the shirtless in LOST:

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