

"I don't dance, I just shimmer." -Selby

This quote actually did not happen today, but I felt it appropriate. Why? Because my grad assistant is a rock star...even if he did not know he meant to say "I just SHIMMY."

He said this while we had taken our students out for a bowling social. In an attempt to dance, one student laughed, and this is what he said. Yet this is one time I think the quote is better out of context.

Selby truly does shimmer. Having a first year grad student has certainly been a learning experience for me this year as a new professional. Last year I came in with a second year grad who actually showed me the ropes more than I helped him. However, I think the two of us have navigated this year well together.

I am certainly grateful to have Selby around, and he actually does shimmer. His positive attitude can be contagious, and one of his greatest strengths is that the students love him. Plus, he says ridiculous things like the quote today that just make me laugh, and laughter is much needed in this profession.

So after a rough week for the both of us, this is a shout out to Selby. Keep shimmering.

Additional Josh Dino-Quote of the Day:
"This is me at my Divisional Review Committee meeting"This gets a post because 1) dinosaurs have still taken over my week, 2) Suze actually re-tweeted this with her own comment and 3) Calvin and Hobbes = win

1 comment:

  1. aww... so I finally read this post. I appreciate it. I definitely will shimmer. lol.
