
QOTD #17

"This is a pretty bold statement from an association I am proud to be in." -Zach, a fellow student affairs professional and ACPA member, via Facebook.

One of the major topic in news and politics? The State of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, a.k.a. the Arizona Immigration Law. Typically, I read things in the news and politics, think "that's interesting," and move on. However, this particular topic has gained a momentum I do not think I can ignore. I am paying even more attention now that I am seeing the reaction of higher education and student affairs institutions. Notably, today, I read that ACPA, one of the major professional organizations for higher education professionals, issued a statement pulling their 2011 Mid-Level Management Institute from Tuscon, AZ. This was quickly posted across our networks, including by Zach above.

Another colleague and mentor of mine just before this shared with me that the NASPA (another major professional organization) Latino/a Knowledge Community also issued a statement speaking out against the bill. The general consensus of these major organizations, as well as others, is they do not support an environment that essentially works against the inclusion and understanding they are trying to promote. As the ACPA statement read, "S.B. 1070 may create an atmosphere that is totally contradictory to the core values of our association and

I have to admit that I do not personally know this bill inside and out, but I get the point that Arizona is giving law enforcement the power to profile individuals and determine if they are legal citizens. I can see how this creates a new world of concern, especially in a country where racial conflict, profiling, crimes, etc. already happen much too often. As higher education professionals, we often encourage the idea of global education and inclusion. So I can see where this controversial bill does not really fit.

In all, I am proud to be part of a profession that not only has a sense of civic duty but that also acts on it. ACPA is one of what I hope will turn into many taking a stand for core values. Will it help change any lawmakers' minds? Maybe, maybe not. But it all has to start somewhere, and this is certainly better than promoting a state making poor decisions. I also hope it sends a message to other states (read: politicians) who think Arizona is a good example to follow. I have already seen infuriating political television ads on how one candidate should win over another because he believes in Arizona's bill. Really?

Additional McKercher Dino-Quote of the Day: "
Life lesson from a childhood treasure: Littlefoot doesn't grow up to be a Tyrannosaurus. That one's for @JK_83 to ponder today." via Twitter

I just wanted to share it because it was a good giggle to start a long day. And The Land Before Time was a great movie. Period. (The first one, sequels, not so much.)

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