

"What the crap?" -Me (via Regina)

This is one of Regina's favorite taglines. However, I had to steal it today. Why? Because of my friend Susan.

Many of my friends outside of the Blog-A-Day challenge enjoy the reading that it provides, and Suze is one of our top supporters. She is also one of my favorite bloggers to read. I highly recommend it. Her writing style is pretty awesome. However, today, I was distraught to learn via her blog that she is currently boycotting my blog. You can read her original post about the boycott here.

If you don't go to her link, her reasons for boycotting me are twofold: 1) She does not like dinosaurs (which as we have seen have taken over my blog so far) and 2) Because dinosaurs have taken over, she feels as though our friend Josh (as you know basically started this whole thing) has now "won." We do not know what he has won, but she is "just not okay with this scenario in which he is inadvertently winning."

Not only has she disowned me in the blogosphere, she has now thrown her support behind....REGINA! What the crap? Okay, admittedly, her post actually made me laugh out loud. Truly. However, my blogging pride is hurt and damaged. Can it recover? Time will only tell. I also feel the need to point out that it seems the reason is more about Josh than the dinosaurs themselves. Hmmmm.

The silver lining to all of this is the fact that people outside of our challengers are getting into this. And I love it. Regina and I have decided we need to get this viral and widespread. So to any readers of this or the other challengers' blogs, spread the love!

Oh, and will the dinosaurs make a come back despite Suze's dislike? Well, see, they were likely never going to stick, although I did truly enjoy the last two posts, and Susan's comments have now caused me to write more on the topic. I also must mention that Josh's quote today was "All this talk of dinosaurs still makes me want to get that stegosaurus tattoo again." Which was likely to make today's post because then I could have talked about my admiration for tattoos. But I guess Susan wins today.

However, because I cannot ignore Josh's (and others') effort to keep it going, I do plan to post the quotes at the end of each post for your dinosaur reading pleasure. Maybe one will be good enough to make the actual post. We will see. Until then, Susan, I love you. Come back to me!

Additional Josh Dino-Quote of the Day:
Wish my days were still as simple as playing with my dinosaur toys on the sand box ." Don't we all?

P.S. My sister and I actually had this sandbox.


  1. Ok, So I love this. Not only are tons of people getting shout-outs, but there is also boycotting. It can't get better than that. Kelly, you are going down. I am going to steal all of your shine and then you have to steal it back. Well, that is as long as I continue remembering to post everyday.

    Susan - You rock. Thanks for the love.

  2. Kel, you may have lost Suze but you haven't lost me.

    Although I must admit, I am enjoying reading the other participants' blogs.

  3. OMG. I had that sandbox too!

  4. I hope that people are reading the others' blog. However, Regina, I am not sure I am comfortable with all the attention you got yesterday...lol.

    Tara, thanks. :-)

    Selby, of course you did...lol.

  5. I think this blog may turn into a war between Susan and I. I think that would make her come back to reading it.

  6. I think that is an interesting proposal...

  7. would that war be like the dinosaur fights in jurassic park?

    HA. i crack myself up.
