

"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors." -marquee outside Novey Animal Hospital, Tallahassee

I pass this marquee every day to and from work. The hospital is very close to my house, and it is also the one Dixie visits. They tend to (try to) be witty in what they put up with those little black letters each week. Most often, they are pretty cheesy, and they try to incorporate animals in some way. Sometimes they announce local events or that they have kittens up for adoption. Then occasionally, they strike a chord.

I read them every time I pass, and most days I just think, "Hm." However, this week's seemed appropriate today. I was going to try and not talk about everything that is going on again in this post, as I feel like my continual posting about it is just allowing it all to take over. Yet, I look at this one as one more way to see the positive.

Often I think of how we do not have or see the good without the bad. More often, I am saying this to others in comfort. This quote reminded me that I need to tell myself that as well. Even though things become (or currently may be) rough, this is how we learn. We learn who we are, how to handle it, and what makes our lives better.

This week I have learned how to seek support, use it, move forward, position myself, and tackle what lies ahead. I also reminded myself of how great people are in my life. So, I am ready to set sail and, and anyone who wants to come along is welcome.
