
QOTD #12

"But I've been doing this for years, since they started this thing." -Sandal Beat guy (vendor at Market Wednesday and Seminole Discovery)

One of my job responsibilities is to help orchestrate Seminole Discovery, a way for student groups and vendors (and mostly apartment complexes) to reach out to our new students during the six weeks of orientation. This is my third summer now, and every year is starting to look the same. The vendors and apartment people become a pain in the rear, and I am often reminded of how glad I am to only deal with the student groups during Market Wednesday.

Today was the first day of Seminole Discovery 2010, and at only 9:00 am I was already presented with the quote above. The expectations laid out for every participant include that set up is not to begin before 11:00 am, and the event will run from 12:00 pm-3:00 pm. Tables are on a first-come, first-served basis. Well, especially for our veteran patrons, certain people prefer certain spots. Which means they want to snag "their" table before 11:00 so no one else does. When I explain they are not to set up early, I get responses like the one above (which is actually nicer than some others).

We all learned it (or should have) in kindergarten: JUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS! Honestly. And this goes for much more than the vendors who frequent FSU. I have had a number of occasions when I have wanted to look at someone and tell that person to JUST FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. Hence why I felt this a worthy quote today.

I know this is more of a ranting post, but I had to get it out somewhere so that I can still politely look at those who do not wish to follow directions and explain how I cannot make exceptions to the rules. No matter how long you have been doing this. Thanks, and we appreciate you coming! *wink*


  1. I love how we have the same job. And with that, the same obnoxious vendors. I'm changing the location of our vendor fair this fall due to construction and lord only knows the anarchy that will ensue...

  2. haha...yea, good luck with that!
