
QOTD #14

"I feel ahead in my life on many levels, and way behind on my life when I compare it to others, but it is my life and I need to live it." -Josh, via Twitter

I find it a little difficult to use a Josh quote that is not dinosaur related, but this one he posted today had me thinking. (Besides, I will add a little dino-fun at the end.) I often enjoy reading Josh's posts for many reasons. The make me often make me think. Even more often, they make me laugh. However, even more, I can almost hear him saying all of them. This one is no exception.

When I read this earlier today, I had the same reaction our friend Susan did, "
J - you're not alone. I know we've all had this conversation not too long ago..." To which I responded, "Yes and yes" because I think this is true. I think I am finding that a number of us (read: older than 25, new-ish particularly higher education professionals) have had this thought, and most likely have had it recently and often. I know I have.

I am 26 with a master's degree. I have a professional job that (in theory) is my career. I have a place all my own (that is relatively far from my hometown). I pay my own bills. I make adult decisions everyday. I work in an environment where I actually influence others. In general, I (usually) enjoy what I do. I am (relatively) comfortable with where I am.
I think I am pretty successful. However, looking at others and thinking I am way behind can be easy to do. (Hence, the use of parenthesis above.) I am single. I still rent an an apartment instead of owning a home. More so, I am not sure where I see myself in the near future much less further down the road.

Yet, I find the point to take away is the last part. This is my life. Period. Which is why I easily (even if annoyingly) answered the repeated questions of my love life and career goals that bombarded me during my sister's wedding. My decisions are my own. No one else has put me where I am today. If I decide that my goal in May is to blog everyday, then so be it. In all seriousness, while it is human nature to compare ourselves to others to benchmark our "progress" in life, we have to realize that we are not other people. What works for you?

Additional Josh Dino-Quote of the Day: "
My day had me feeling like I got trampled but heard of angry dinosaurs. Much better after that run."

Even better responses? Suze: "
I appreciate that they weren't just dinosaurs, but ANGRY dinosaurs..." and Josh's friend @Sweettea55: "@mupsi27 conquering the dinosaurs that would trample him http://twitpic.com/1ozvuz" (pic below)

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