

"Dinosaur is not patient." -Mike

Okay. I realize this may be a dangerous place to start the blog challenge because when is Mike not saying something ridiculous? However, it is dead week at FSU. So my options may be few and far between. Also, this quote will actually pay homage to two of my friends. So here is the story:

On my post a couple of days ago, when debating what I wanted my May theme to be, my always thinking friend Josh compellingly argued the topic should be dinosaurs. An obvious choice. He was quite disappointed yesterday to find out I went a different direction. So he tweeted: "@JK_83 quote of the day over dinosaurs? i am going to have to try all of may to think of a dinosaur quote, and hope it is used for a blog." Well, Josh, here is a dinosaur quote. However, please continue thinking of a quote because I know you will come up with something good.

Sometime later yesterday, Mike and I were talking about our blogs, and I told him Josh's story about dinosaurs. Being another dino-enthusiast, Mike agreed the theme was a good one. Also being a "12-year-old," he has been imitating a dinosaur since. Hence, our Quote of the Day. At lunch, I brought down some cookies a wonderful student had made me. (That's right, I shared!) Mike finished eating before me and wanted a cookie right then. Being a few bites from done, I said he could be patient. To which he replied, "Dinosaur is not patient." And today's post was born.

Having started with dinosaurs, I also feel compelled to post three of my favorite dinosaur related images:

This one comes from a piece of flair on Facebook from Suze.

This one again comes from Mike, and is the best reenactment of Jurassic Park.

This one reminds me of Josh and Katie B.

So there you have it. QOTD #1. I am almost not sure where this will go from here. This may be a slippery slope. Oh well. RAWR.


  1. Now I have to go back to yesterday's post and determine exactly what kind of quotes you're accepting... J. Brady and I say ridiculous things all the time, but you're not here to hear them. Darn it! A video camera, a wig and some dental floss may be necessary. (Really the dental floss is superfluous. As is the wig. But just a camera would be lame.)

  2. Keep blogging about me! Lol.

  3. Suze: your comment made me laugh, and I love you
    Mike: God help us

  4. Rawr indeed. That reenactment is hilarious. Thank you. My 'Big Smile' of the day! Looking forward to learning more about the prehistoric creatures! Paz.
